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Download GPL Users Insights 4.4.2 – WordPress User Management Plugin

Users Insights is a CRM tool that fits right into your WordPress dashboard to let you analyze user data on your eCommerce site. You can search user data and filter it based on several criteria to get insights into customer and user behavior.

You can select almost any user data or choose certain purchasing behaviors to filter your customer lists, letting you track behavior internally to provide better customer service, or export customers to CSV based on the data you’ve selected to segment customers for email lists.

One of the best features about Users Insights is that it works seamlessly with tons of popular platforms so that you can access data from WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, or other plugins in your customer list.

We’ll take a look at specific strategies you can use to both track customers and segment or personalize communication, then take a detailed look at how Users Insights can work with your eCommerce platform to analyze valuable customer data.



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