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Download GPL GoExplore! Travel WordPress Theme 1.3.28

GoExplore! is an exciting theme (that’s why it’s got an exclamation mark) that puts graphics at the center of your travel blog or destination website, with an emphasis on community-based contributors.

If you want a really sophisticated travel blog theme, the travel destinations plugin, exclusively designed for GoExplore!, will be a treat for you as well as your visitors. Many major travel blogs such as Nomadic Matt feature travel guides written up for site visitors to browse as they like – it’s a great way to build trust with your visitors and create an authority within a certain niche, such as budget travel in Europe or volunteer travel in Southeast Asia. You’ll be able to easily categorize blog posts, travel guides, or even sponsored versus unsponsored blog posts for your readership to better and more easily consume. And you can include directories with a wealth of information on topics ranging from restaurants to museums to free activities and whatever else you would like to inspire people with.

It also really helps that this theme comes equipped to handle community-based feedback and contributors. Think of how Lonely Planet’s website has lots of useful guides about pretty much every place on earth, written by paid contributors but also by enthusiastic travelers (like you). This theme gives you the option to do the same thing, enabling you to build an entire network of contributing writers who share their expertise on everything from island-hopping in the Philippines to finding budget flights from the USA to Europe.

If you’d like to get people excited about travel through blogs or articles but are not looking to create an online booking engine for hotels or tours, this is a really excellent theme to build your website with.



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