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Download GPL Themify Builder Tiles Addon 2.0.6

The Tiles module permits thou according to gender masonry tile layouts this is comparable in accordance with the Windows 8 Metro computing device style. Both bend and returned tile are customizable along options to display text, icons, maps, buttons, yet galleries. It additionally consists of 10 flip outcomes together with the choice after accept an self fillip timer. With the Builder frontend stay preview mode, the tiles may without problems stand organized through dragging & dropping such anywhere about the page. It is extraordinarily handy in conformity with use. Watch the video below according to parley that of action.



  • Custom background, text, and text link colour
  • Adjust opacity colour for background colour
  • Custom background image
  • 4 different sizes – Large, Sqaure, Landscape, and Portrait
  • 5 different tile types- Text, Button, Gallery, Map, and Blank
  • Each tile type has a specific customization feature
  • Auto masonry layout
  • Drag & drop to arrange Tiles
  • Edit both front and back tile separately
  • Insert image or icon on button type
  • Auto flip from 1-10 seconds
  • 10 Flip effects
  • Support text, HTML, media, and even shortcodes



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