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Download GPL Themify Builder Pro 3.0.5 + 32 Addons – Create Complete Theme

The Themify Builder is probably Themify’s most well-known plugin. It comes bundled with every Themify theme, and you can use the standalone plugin version with non-Themify themes, too.

A powerful page builder plugin, the Themify Builder gives you the opportunity to flex your creative muscles, designing beautiful, custom layouts for your pages. To aid your creativity, Themify Builder allows you to build your custom designs using either the front or back end. The front-end building function, in particular, gives you a full preview of how your modules slot together on a live version of your site.

And, talking of modules, the Themify Builder comes loaded with options and functionalities. This includes maps, galleries, call-to-action buttons and sliders — meaning you can uninstall several surplus-to-requirement plugins. There are also near-unlimited customization options, plus more than 60 stylish animations you can apply to individual modules



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