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Download GPL Themeco Pro 6.0.0 – The Most Advanced Website Builder for WordPress

Endless Possibilities

  • As if everything you’ve already seen isn’t enough, Pro also comes with these incredible features.
  • Build living pages that leverage all of WordPress on the frontend of your site. Utilize page content, meta, ACF inputs, and more!
  • Most Elements can be edited directly from the live preview, giving you quick access to make changes on the fly.
  • Setup each installation according to your needs by locking or unlocking certain features based on a user’s role.
  • Take a quick peek “under the hood” to get a more fundamental view of your site’s structure and content in a different workflow.
  • Who likes premium icons? If you do, you’re in luck. All of Font Awesome Pro’s weights (solid, regular, and light) come with Pro.
  • Pro supports infinitely nested content, allowing you to create intricate layouts that are difficult to achieve in other builders.
  • All elements have their own styling options and they are optimized in one output (no inline styles).
  • The building blocks that are so incredibly powerful you’ll never want to design without them again. (And those aspiring to be). Create highly custom sites on one platform allowing for fast prototyping. Hundreds of new controls means you need a quick and easy way to find what you need when you need it.



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