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Download GPL Soliloquy 2.6.5 (+ 11 Addons)- Responsive WordPress Slider Plugin

Slider plugins remain among the most requested plugins for WordPress. With all those different slider plugins available, it’s difficult to find one that rises over and above the others and truly provides a memorable experience, both for users and developers.

Soliloquy is one of the most well-known slider plugins for WordPress

You’ll get access to some or all of the 14 separate add-ons that give you access to all that cool functionality that we mentioned above. Here’s the current list:

  • Carousel – lets you turn any slider into a responsive carousel.
  • CSS – lets you use your own custom CSS.
  • Defaults – helps you work more productively by letting you save default settings, rather than customizing each slider from scratch.
  • Dynamic – lets you pull in slider content from a variety of dynamic sources.
  • Featured Content – lets you create sliders based on posts, pages, or any custom post type.
  • Instagram – lets you import images from your Instagram account as slider items.
  • Lightbox – lets you create a lightbox slider from photos, videos, or galleries.
  • PDF Slider – lets you create a slider from PDFs.
  • Pinterest – adds the Pinterest “Pin It” button to your slider.
  • Protection – disables right-click to avoid people downloading your images (this is kind of silly in my opinion)
  • Schedule – lets you schedule entire sliders or just specific slides within a slider.
  • Slider Themes – gives you access to pre-built slider themes that you can apply.
  • Thumbnails – lets you use thumbnail images as navigation options on your slider.
  • WooCommerce – lets you create interactive sliders from your WooCommerce products.



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