
本商品标题提及的插件/主题所属公司和我们没有任何关系,该公司也没有授权其产品或者品牌给我们。本商品是标题提及插件/主题的分发版本,由第三方公司/开发者制作,并由我们根据通用公共许可证 (GPL) 条款重新分发。

我们使用该插件/主题名字目的仅为明确本GPL商品所基于的插件/主题,旨在帮用户更好地了解我们这个产品的功能及可能的应用场景,绝无冒充或误导之意。本商品的销售遵循并尊重 GPL 许可协议的所有条款,确保用户了解他们获取的是基于开源许可的插件/主题分发版本。允许他们查看、修改和重新分发软件,以促进软件的自由使用和发展。

Download GPL Restrict Content Pro 3.5.42 + 35 Addons Package

Rectrict Content Pro Addons contains:

  • Restrict Content Pro
  • Restrict Content Pro – ActiveCampaign
  • Restrict Content Pro – Authorize.net
  • Restrict Content Pro – AvaTax
  • Restrict Content Pro – AWeber Pro
  • Restrict Content Pro – bbPress
  • Restrict Content Pro – Braintree Gateway 1.0.9
  • Restrict Content Pro – BuddyPress 2.1.7
  • Restrict Content Pro – Campaign Monitor 1.2.3
  • Restrict Content Pro – ConvertKit 1.1.3
  • Restrict Content Pro – CSV User Import 1.1.12
  • Restrict Content Pro – Custom Redirects 1.0.7
  • Restrict Content Pro – Custom Renew 1.0.5
  • Restrict Content Pro – Download Monitor Bridge 1.0.5
  • Restrict Content Pro – Drip Content 1.0.7
  • Restrict Content Pro – Easy Digital Downloads Wallet 1.0.1
  • Restrict Content Pro – EDD Member Downloads 1.0.6
  • Restrict Content Pro – Enforce Strong Passwords 1.1.3
  • Restrict Content Pro – Group Accounts 2.2.2
  • Restrict Content Pro – Hard Expiration Dates 1.1.4
  • Restrict Content Pro – Help Scout 1.0.4
  • Restrict Content Pro – IP Restriction 1.2.8
  • Restrict Content Pro – Limited Quantity Available 1.0.3
  • Restrict Content Pro – MailChimp Pro 1.5.3
  • Restrict Content Pro – MailPoet 1.0.5
  • Restrict Content Pro – Math Verification 1.0.5
  • Restrict Content Pro – Per-Level Emails 1.0.1
  • Restrict Content Pro – REST API 1.2.2
  • Restrict Content Pro – Restrict Past Content 1.0.3
  • Restrict Content Pro – Restriction Timeouts 1.0.6
  • Restrict Content Pro – Resume Manager 1.0.2
  • Restrict Content Pro – Site Creation 1.3.2
  • Restrict Content Pro – Timelock 1.1.2
  • Restrict Content Pro – Ultimate Member 1.2.1
  • Restrict Content Pro – View Limit 1.0.3
  • Restrict Content Pro – WooCommerce Member Discounts 1.0.5
  • Restrict Content Pro – WP Job Manager Bridge 2.1.8

Restrict Content Pro is a feature-rich membership plugin for WordPress that has everything you need to create a membership website or online course — or even a restricted content area for staff.

While a free version of the plugin does exist, it’s quite limited and isn’t a great advertisement for what the pro version can do.

This includes great support for payment gateways, as well as lots of great management tools for your members. On top of this, the pro tool also lets you set up discounts to help boost memberships sales



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