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Download GPL OxyNinja for Oxygen Builder 3.4.3 – WordPress Plugin

Without a doubt, this is one of the best products out there for Oxygen Builder if you’re looking to build multiple sites at scale, or embarking on a larger project. First, the Core framework saves you hours of time. Instead of having to manually enter and create utility classes, they are already there for you, offering you a consistent design language which you can then apply to whatever site you’re working on.

The consistency that comes with this well built utility framework results in a professional looking website, even if you didn’t drop $10,000 on a designer.

The 160 elements that the Core framework ships with is a massive time saver, and utilizes the standard Oxygen Elements meaning that you can easily style them to match your brand (or even leave them as is). Using and inserting these elements is as easy as it could be, as they use the native Oxygen Design Set system and are inserted from the back end editor.



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