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Download GPL LoginWP Pro (Formerly Peter*s Login Redirect)

LoginWP (formerly Peter’s Login Redirect) lets you define a set of redirect rules for specific users, users with specific roles, users with specific capabilities, and a blanket rule for all other users. Also, set a redirect URL for post-registration.

You can use the following placeholders in your URLs so that the system will build a dynamic URL upon each login: {{username}}{{user_slug}}{{website_url}}.

Upgrade to LoginWP PRO to redirect users to the current page they are logging in from or back to the previous (or referrer) page after login using {{current_page}} and {{previous_page}} placeholders. Learn more

You can add your own code logic before and between any of the plugin’s normal redirect checks if needed. See our documentation. Some examples include: redirecting the user based on their IP address and redirecting users to a special page on the first login.



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