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Download GPL CSS Hero 5.1.0 – WordPress Theme Customization Plugin

CSS Hero comes with lots of exciting features for the users. Let’s check out what these features are and how they can help you.

1. Simple User Interface

CSS Hero features a simple interface that makes it a lot easier for anyone to customize their website. You can make the style changes just by clicking on the element and choosing the style.

2. Dedicated Device Modes

There are dedicated device modes to help you make style changes for both landscape and portrait views for the mobile and tablet devices. It is also possible to check out a real-time preview of your changes.

3. Lots of Customization Options

You will find an incredible number of customization options for each element. You can choose the styles yourself or go with any of the available styles.

4. Ready-made Styles

There are lots of ready-made styles for various elements, and several presets for the whole site. You can apply any of these styles with a single mouse click.

5. CSS Hero Inspector

If you have some experience with CSS coding, CSS Hero Inspector will be a great tool to make CSS changes on-the-fly. Its integrated engine will check your code for errors, while you can add your own media queries to make your website more responsive.

6. Complex CSS Styles

Creating moderns CSS styles like gradients, shadows, 3D effects, etc. require advanced skills. But when using CSS Hero, you can apply complex CSS styles without writing any code at all.

7. Inbuilt Color Picker

The built-in color picker enables you to pick any color you like and use it on your website. What’s more, the tool will also remember the colors you used recently, so that you can use these again.

8. Animator

Animator is another excellent feature to apply various CSS animations like bounce, shake, fade, wiggle, rotate, flip, pulse, etc. on any element you want. You can choose the trigger, speed, and disable the animation for mobile devices.

9. Edits History

CSS Hero keeps a detailed log of the style changes you make on the site. That means you can undo or redo any of your actions without having to start from scratch.

10. Generated CSS

There is a dedicated option to get the generated CSS code for all of your customizations. That means you can easily copy the code and use these elsewhere.

11. Light Footprint

The professional developers of CSS Hero have optimized the plugin to ensure that it leaves a very light footprint on your site. As a result, you can use the plugin without worrying about any performance issues.



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