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Download GPL Cesis – Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Cesis, is a new kind of Theme. In few words, it is the most powerful, easy to use versatile multi-purpose WordPress theme. We built Cesis in order to let the user have the possibility to modify and control every parts of their site, and this really easily. Everything in Cesis can be created from the front-end without having to know how to code, our theme options panel also let the user modify each part of the site separately and will also let you modify your header, footer, menus, colors, layout etc directly live from the front-end. All those amazing options are paired with an easy to use interface that allows anyone from beginner to advanced to build amazing, beautiful, responsive websites. Cesis is more than a theme its a new tool to create any kind of websites without the need to know how to code. The main thing we would like you to understand is how powerful Cesis is but also how intuitive and easy it is to use. We made a full integration of the well known WPbakery page builder, we added our modules that will let you build stunning pages and didn’t change anything to the initial plugin so you will still be able to use any custom add-ons you are used to. Cesis is definitely a game changer, it brings endless possibilities, top-notch support, and so much powerful incredible features. Keep in mind that Cesis was made to be most powerful but also the most easy to use theme on the market. A lot of thought and care went into this theme making it a pleasure to use.



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