플랜트 월 워드프레스 대외 무역 웹사이트 개발

Artificial Grass Factory In China

19 years and counting

As the leader in the artificial grass manufacturing industry, Baihui has been successfully supplying landscape and sports grass for over 19 years thanks to extensive know-how and expertise.

With cutting-edge craftsmanship, we offer worldwide synthetic turf industry coverage, thanks to our two factory zone and sales offices established in Wuxi, China. Passionate about our business, we are continuing to improve artificial grass surface performance to provide high-quality, innovative, and eco-friendly product solutions.

우리의 케이스 - 명함입니다! 몇 백 달러에서 몇 천 달러까지, 언제나 자신에게 맞는 명함이 있습니다!

맨 위로 스크롤
웹사이트 솔루션 및 견적

스와이프하여 비즈니스 위챗 추가

+133 3643 8551(V 동기화)