
この商品のタイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマを所有する会社は、弊社とは一切関係がなく、その会社は弊社にその製品やブランドをライセンスしていません。本製品は、タイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマの配布物であり、第三者の企業/開発者によって作成され、GPL(General Public Licence)の条項の下で弊社によって再配布されます。


ダウンロード GPL YITH WordPress Title Bar Effects Premium 1.1.11

What about having one more chance?

Let me explain what I mean: while analyzing the users’ behavior during the purchase process, we have noticed that many of them open several windows within the same browser to get further information or check other stores.

This kind of distractions usually causes the site abandonment. That is the reason why we decided to catch the users’ eye when using this kind of browsing and try to take them back to our shop and let them end what they were initially doing.

There are not many things we can do when a user switches window on the browser.  YITH have thought about a way to recover the distracted users and make them go back on the site.

Through the use of small effects applied to the title bar, our plugin 98% succeeds in drawing the attention of the users and taking them back to our shop.


  • Animation of the browser time title now uploading then quickly abandoning the page
  • 3 accessible animations:
    • typing
    • writing
    • intermittence
  • Set the enkindling speed
  • Apply a delay at the augmentation start
  • Stop the inspiring afterwards a unique age frame
  • Set a time frame in conformity with appeal the inspiring cycle
  • Show a title exceptional beside the page non-existence certain in the course of the animation
  • Apply animation in accordance with every web page title
  • Set a exceptional entitle for posts, web page or products




+133 3643 8551(V同期)