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ダウンロード GPL YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium 3.23.1

Yith WooCommerce wishlist is one of the useful features of an ecommerce store that allows you to add a wishlist button on your products. On one side, it encourages users to come back, allowing products tracking they consider interesting until the purchase step. On the other, if users share their wishlist to friends, or through social networks, this will enhance the sales and will help the promotion of your online business.


Most important features:

  • Users can create unlimited wishlists and mark them as public, private or shareable. This is is brilliant and really overpowers your users to make the most of wishlists
  • The admin can enable/disable wishlists for logged out users. Not a bad “trick” for popular websites, where a registered user could be worth a lot of money
  • The admin has full access to all users’ wishlists. She can therefore see the most popular products and (awesome feature) even send promotional emails to users who have a specific product in their lists 
  • Users can request an “estimate” or “quote” from the wishlist page – and the admin can email them back directly with a price




+133 3643 8551(V同期)