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ダウンロード GPL YITH WooCommerce Share for Discount Premium 1.25.0

In this socializing era sharing is the keyword. So an idea developed to give buyers discount on their purchases if they promise to advertise their products by sharing on the social media sites. YITH Woo-commerce Share for Discounts does just that. So its two targets with one arrow- The products get promoted as well as the buyer gets rewarded. This increases the sales considerably.


Its key features are:

  • The user can decide what type of discounts and rewards to offer their customers who share their products.
  • The URL can be specified if the user wants the buyer to share a different content from the one owned by the user.
  • It provides for email sharing.
  • It is also WPML compatible.
  • Buyers can share their cart and checkout pages.
  • The position of the sharing box can be decided by the owners.
  • The texts can be customized.
  • Shortcodes are available to add activated sharing buttons wherever owner wants.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)