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ダウンロード GPL YITH WooCommerce Request a Quote Premium 4.17

Premium features of YITH Woocommerce – Quote WordPress Plugins

For Website Administrators

  • Insert “Add to quote” button both in product detail page and all the other shop pages where it is shown.
  • Hide price on all the products of your site.
  • Give users the possibility to request a quote only for “out of stock” products.
  • Select the form users can use to send the quote request.
  • Enable user registration through the quote request form.
  • Deny the possibility to send quote requests for unlogged users.

For Users

  • Receive an email with administrator’s quote proposal.
  • Consult the list of quotes in “My Account” page.
  • Accept or reject administrator’s proposal.
  • Download pdf quote from “My Account” page.
  • Check all the quotes received before the registration to the site.


This plugin establishes a common meeting point for customers and suppliers where shopkeepers can share prices and details of a single product.

Customers can request for quote through forms (breaking the main obstacles of communication in online shopping).

Through this plugin, customers can add desired items to the listing and they will receive a quote from the site administrator.





+133 3643 8551(V同期)