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ダウンロード GPL YITH WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing Premium 2.8.0

This one is a plugin that provides a lot of flexibility while bulk editing products on your WooCommerce. You get to filter products according to your requirements and make the necessary changes effectively. The manual efforts and the time consuming process of individually editing products will be a thing of past if you are using this one. It offers great scope to manage thousands of products together with a simple user interface and easy operations.


Let’s take a more detailed look at some of the features of YITH WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing.

  • Extensive editing options – One important feature of this plugin is that it facilitates bulk editing of almost all WooCommerce product fields. You can select the fields you want to edit using the bulk editor plugin.
  • Control how you want to edit products – The plugin offers several options to bulk edit products on your store. For example you will be able to replace product titles, or append or prepend to the existing title. Similarly, you will be able to change the price of products by percentage or a fixed rate.
  • Filtering options – This plugin too has quite an extensive filtering option, which includes Product Title, SKU, Categories, Tags, Attribute values, Price, etc. You will be able to bulk edit multiple variations at the same time using this plugin as well.
  • Create and Delete products – Another interesting feature of this plugin is that you will be able to create new products on your store with this plugin. If needed, you will be able to bulk delete multiple products as well using this plugin.
  • Export and Import Data – The YITH plugin also offers an option to export and import products from and to your store through an XML file. This can save some trouble when you are looking for easy migration procedure.
  • Bulk Edit Custom Fields – The plugin lets you edit custom fields as well. You can add the required custom fields to the plugin settings and edit the values according to your needs.




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