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ダウンロード GPL YITH WooCommerce Badge Management Premium 3.4.0

YITH WooCommerce badge management plugin will allow you to show badges on your products that help you to highlight offers on your site and in the result, the sale of your site will increase. You can also customize text, color, and position of the badge and even automate the badging for your shop and at the same time, you can efficiently manage the individual product for your site.  It also allows you to assign specific badge for each of your categories and even upload images to create your badges. It also allows you to translate the badges using WPML plugin. Other features of this WooCommerce plugin are as follows.


  • Use advanced badges
  • Specific badges for each product category
  • Assign badges to recently added, sale & featured products
  • Style options for your badges
  • Upload images to create your badges
  • Anchor point for drag and drop
  • Schedule when you want to show
  • Easily apply badges to unavailable products
  • Assign badges to shipping classes
  • Translate using WPML plugin
  • WooCommerce On Sale Badge management etc.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)