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ダウンロード GPL YITH Store Locator for WordPress 2.25.0

Have you ever searched for a store address only to be disappointed by the store’s website due to the lack of a store locator functionality and as a result not bothered to visit? Well, this is a very common occurrence with many customers and a big loss of revenue to stores if not addressed. With a good store locator you should be able to find your nearest branch and not only that, but also filter it based on your requirements like parking, products and menu selection and washroom facilities for example.

A good store locator is a plugin that our customers have requested many times and that for many various reasons we had to put off.
Yet, during our usability studies and after building our first course about how to build an effective Customer Service area in your e-commerce, we had the opportunity to analyze hundreds of store locator tools both in big shops (like Ikea, Target, Primark…) and in small companies too. We took note of the strengths and weaknesses of their store locators and highlighted the features that make a store locator for WordPress a really effective instrument for the company and a usable tool for the customer who will interact with it.




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