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ダウンロード GPL YITH Frontend Manager for WooCommerce Premium 1.27.0

YITH WooCommerce Frontend Manager offers the best and easiest solution for this issue, allowing whoever you want to be able to perform delicate operations without having to enter the admin area and limiting mistakes, which will make you work faster.

And thanks to the compatibility with our YITH WooCommerce Multi Vendor plugin you have the chance to extend these functions to each single vendor and make managing big market places a lot easier.


  • Manage the shop from the frontend dashboard
  • Choose the sections to enable in the frontend dashboard:
    • orders
    • products
    • commissions
    • reports
    • coupons
    • dashboard
    • logout
  • Show a custom message when the user tries to access an unauthorized section
  • Prevent all the shop managers from having access to the backend
  • Edit the endpoints for all the dashboard sections manually
  • 3 available skins for the frontend dashboard (possibility to view it as an integrated section of My account or as a custom full-screen page)
  • Used in combination with YITH Multi Vendor, it allows vendors to manage their shops from the frontend dashboard




+133 3643 8551(V同期)