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ダウンロード GPL YITH FAQ Plugin for WordPress Premium 2.16.0

Having an efficient and easy-to-use system that helps your customers find the answers to their questions quickly will totally eliminate any uncertainty they have and will inevitably increase their trust, purchase awareness and your sales.

We’ve just created a product you can’t live without!

Moreover, every single FAQ can be easily shared to your customers using a link that you can send per email or chat whenever you need in less than a few seconds, as easy as pie.

What the plugin does

Create an effective FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) system on a page of your store.

How I can benefit from it:

  • You will get rid of those doubts and objections that hinder your sales
  • You will easily and quickly reply to all frequently asked questions from potential customers
  • You will reduce customer service work providing your users with a section where they can find themselves an answer to the common doubts




+133 3643 8551(V同期)