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ダウンロード GPL WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce Pro 7.3.6

WPC Composite Products for WooCommerce is one of the most quintessential plugins for WooCommerce online shops & merchandises dedicatedly developed by WPClever. This plugin allows users to group a number of related products and sell them as a composite product for increasing revenue. Customers are given the freedom to personalize the component items to make an ideal kit-builder that serves their own purpose. Both sellers & customers can benefit from this with great convenience & satisfaction.


  • AJAX responsive search using keywords
  • Use ProductsCategoriesTags, or Attributes as the source for component options
  • Drag & drop to rearrange the order of components
  • Add a short description for each component
  • Set the discount price by percentage
  • Set the default product for each component
  • Set the default quantity for each component product
  • Mark a component product as required or optional
  • Allow customizing the quantity of each component
  • Set the min/max quantity for each component
  • Customizable text for null selection option
  • Adjustable Before/ After texts
  • Auto-calculate the price based on changes in quantity
  • Component products are inventory-managed just like standalone sales




+133 3643 8551(V同期)