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ダウンロードGPL WPAdverts 2.1.0 +ワードプレスクラシファイドプラグインあたり15アドオン

  • WPAdverts Premium
  • WPAdverts Fee Per Category v1.1.1
  • WPAdverts Mark As Sold v1.0.3
  • WPAdverts Category Icons v1.0.1
  • WPAdverts Google Analytics v1.0.1
  • WPAdverts Stripe Integration v1.1.2
  • WPAdverts Authors v1.3.3
  • WPAdverts Restricted Categories v1.0.2
  • WPAdverts WooCommerce Integration v1.6.2
  • WPAdverts Memberships v1.0.1
  • WPAdverts PayPal Payments Standard v1.0.2
  • WPAdverts reCAPTCHA v1.0.0
  • WPAdverts Stripe Integration v1.1.1
  • WPAdverts Maps and Locations v1.4.3
  • WPAdverts Accept Payments Using WooCommerce Plugin v1.6.0
  • WPAdverts Custom Fields v1.3.3
  • WPAdverts BuddyPress Integration v1.1.4

WPAdverts has ALL the classifieds features you’d expect, and some you might not:

  • Modern, responsive design for any device or screen size
  • Freedom to work with the very best of other plugins
  • Choose Grid or List Display – and allows your visitors to switch too!
  • You can allow both registered and/or anonymous users to post classifieds
  • Allows users to browse, edit and delete their own ads
  • Payments Module to track user payments and transactions logs
  • Bank Transfer payment gateway is included, for free
  • Charge users for renewing auto-expired ads
  • 12 translations available, see list below
  • Easy drag-and-drop image upload
  • Detailed documentation for both developers AND normal users!




+133 3643 8551(V同期)