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ダウンロードGPL WP Webhooks Pro 6.1.1 - WordPressプラグイン

Put your website on autopilot by automating manual tasks to leverage your time and ressources for what’s really important to your project or business.
WP Webhooks can be used in three different ways:

Trigger (Send Data):
A trigger sends information from your WordPress website on a specific event (e.g. when a user logs in), to any API or external service of your choice (e.g. Zapier, Integromat, Pabbly, …).

Action (Receive Data):
An action is the reversed way of the trigger. It allows you to receive data on your website from any API or external service (e.g. Zapier, Integromat, Pabbly) which then executes a specific functionality on your WordPress website (e.g. creating a user or post).

Flows (Pro)
A Flow allows you to connect both the triggers and actions together and create tasks that are executed in a consecutive order. E.g. When a new user is created (trigger), send an email to the user.




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