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futuredesigngrp 5.1.4によるGPL WPオンライン契約をダウンロード - WordPressプラグイン

WordPress Online Contract is the original plugin that allows you to create, manage, and save contracts online through WordPress. You can customize contracts using flat text files and shortcodes and view revisions of your existing contracts. Give your clients a way to view and sign your contracts online in one place.

Completely responsive for any device. Send your clients your contract online and give them the opportunity to view, sign, save, and print from any location and any device. Get started faster and more efficiently with WordPress Online Contract.

This one-of-a-kind plugin was created with your client in mind. Use our system to maintain and manage your contracts and give your clients ease of mind in a professional way. We have used a flat file type system for years and integrated our system into a fully loaded plugin that is completely manageable from WordPress at the click of a button.




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