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ダウンロード GPL WordPress Genesis Framework 3.4.0 by StudioPress

Activating the Genesis Framework on your WordPress site gives you the ability to choose from a large selection of high quality themes that have been built especially for the framework. Not only that, but Genesis is highly flexible and allows developers and power users alike to customise the existing themes, or create their own in order to build their ideal website.

The developers of Genesis use a great analogy to illustrate the relationship between WordPress, the framework, and its child themes; with WordPress described as the engine of your car, Genesis as the frame and body, and the child themes as the paint job.

The Genesis Framework sits atop of WordPress and contains the code that governs the underlying additional design, features, and functionality of your website, while its child themes inherit those properties and contain the visual design elements that create the front end of your website that your visitors see.

In this review we will take a detailed look at who can get the most from the Genesis Framework, what makes it so popular, some of its drawbacks, its best child themes, and a selection of the third party products that make up the growing ecosystem that has built up around it.




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