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ダウンロード GPL WooCommerce Zapier 2.10.0 - Zapierでアプリを接続する

  • Save time by integrating your WooCommerce store with services you already use and love, including Google Drive, Dropbox, Zendesk, MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, FreshBooks & more!
  • Speed up your processes by letting Zapier do the work for you, instantly: instead of making the same changes every time a new order comes in, a new customer makes a purchase or an order’s status changes, set up an automation once and let it run forever.
  • Never forget a step: let one event in WooCommerce trigger multiple changes in multiple apps so you don’t miss a thing, ever.
  • Take necessary steps at critical moments: reduce shopping cart abandonment by acting quickly on cancelled orders, follow-up with customers right after they purchase and more.
  • Efficiently notify the right members of your team and only the right ones: set up filtering on notifications so only the relevant people are alerted to changes.
  • Understand how your store is performing with daily, weekly or monthly aggregate reports sent to you by the Digest by Zapier feature




+133 3643 8551(V同期)