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ダウンロード GPL WooCommerce Wishlists 2.3.1

Given the popularity of wishlists plugin, WooCommerce.com has its own premium version as well. Unlike YITH, you can’t try the “free” version and then upgrade to the premium – so this is a bit limiting. However, don’t forget WooCommerce.com offers 30-day money back guarantee.

The official WooCommerce Wishlists plugin, available on the WooCommerce.com marketplace, has several features. The most important ones are:

  • Guest users can store their wishlists for 30 days while Logged in ones can keep them forever – a great way to entice those guests to sign up!
  • Users have full privacy control, same as YITH, as well as the chance to share with friends / social with custom messages
  • The Wishlist page is fully customizable and the Admin can of course gain access to all the wishlists and sort them / filter them based on certain criteria




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