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ダウンロード GPL WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro 1.21.2

Sequential Order Numbers Pro is a WooCommerce extension that enhances the functionality of your WooCommerce site by allowing you to have incrementing order numbers rather than random ones. Additionally, you can set a starting number, order number length, custom prefix and/or suffix, and skip free orders, giving you full control over your shop’s order numbers.


  • Provides sequential order numbers rather than skipping values
  • Start the order numbering at any number (or for shops with existing order numbers, any number greater than your current largest order number)
  • Set a custom order number prefix or suffix
  • Include the current day, month, or year in your custom order number prefix or suffix
  • Include the current time: hour, minute, second in your custom order number prefix or suffix
  • Order number length can be set, automatically adding as many zeroes to the beginning of the order number as needed
  • Orders with only free products can be excluded from the paid order sequence for accounting purposes, and assigned their own custom prefix




+133 3643 8551(V同期)