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ダウンロード GPL WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro 1.19.0

WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro extends the core WooCommerce product reviews functionality. It adds several new functions to product reviews, and can also enable different “contribution” types from customers, such as comments, questions, photos, and videos.


Here are major features added:

  • List of all product reviews added under WooCommerce > Reviews. Reviews can be filtered by contribution type, media added, rating, and product for the contribution. They can also be moderated and edited.
    When this plugin is active, all existing reviews and any new ones will be moved to this “Reviews” menu.
  • Reviews Report added to see most reviewed, highest rated, and lowest rated products.
  • Qualifiers can be added to reviews, such as the ability to ask about sizing or fit.
  • Reviews can contain photo or video media.
  • Optionally adds ability for customers to ask questions, add videos, or add photos to the product discussion without a review.
  • Comments can be added to reviews or other contribution types.
  • All contributions can be upvoted, downvoted, or flagged
  • Prevents customers from adding multiple reviews for a product, prompting them to update the first review instead.
  • Reviewed can be sorted and filtered by type, star rating, review qualifier, most helpful, least helpful, and more!




+133 3643 8551(V同期)