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ダウンロード GPL WooCommerce Private Store Plugin 1.7.7

WooCommerce Private Store is the easiest way to create a completely hidden members-only store in WooCommerce.

This members-only plugin works by password protecting all areas of WooCommerce, or restricting your store so that only logged in members can access it. The main shop page, products, categories, tags and other store content are hidden from public view. Members can use a shared password or log into their user account to unlock the hidden store.

Your public website is completely unaffected by WooCommerce Private Store. Visitors will view your company website as usual with no idea that there’s a hidden online shop in the background.

Other WooCommerce elements such as widgets and menu items are hidden until you enter the correct password. When a member unlocks the hidden store, these elements automatically become visible to them.

As well as password protecting every part of WooCommerce, the private shop plugin has extra features behind the scenes. It automatically hides WooCommerce content from search engines, XML sitemaps and the on-site WordPress search. This means that only your members will know you have a hidden WooCommerce store as it’s completely hidden from public view.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)