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ダウンロード GPL Sensei Pro LMS WooCommerce Paid Course

Sensei – A Learning Management System for WordPress

The Key Features in Sensei LMS

  • The extension merges well with WooCommerce and WordPress, and the user experience isn’t much different than making a WordPress page or post.
  • The majority of WordPress themes on the market integrate fine with Sensei.
  • The user registration is done through WordPress, so once again, those familiar with WordPress should find Sensei easy to learn.
  • The WooCommerce integration allows you to instantly charge for a course, whether it be as a subscription or on an individual basis.
  • The simple course analytics provide information on grading, course completion, and students registered.
  • The quizzes aren’t anything special when it comes to design, but several templates are offered for things like true/false, single line, file upload, and multi-line tests.
  • Sensei displays random quizzes based on a bank of questions you set prior to launch.
  • Quiz grading can be set to automatic or manual.




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