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ダウンロード GPL UpStream 1.39.3 + 8 Extensions - WordPressプロジェクト管理プラグイン

UpStream Extensions Package includes:

  • UpStream Calendar View
  • UpStream Frontend Edit
  • UpStream Email Notifications
  • UpStream Copy Project
  • UpStream Custom Fields
  • UpStream Customizer
  • UpStream Project Timeline

UpStream is the best choice on this list for fully-featured project management. If you do have simpler needs, such as a plain to-do list, there are good alternatives. But UpStream has a ton of features, frontend and admin views, a good user interface, and is highly customizable.

One of the things I liked about UpStream is that is has a tool-tip based walkthrough. As soon as you install UpStream, you’ll get a guided tour of the interface. Each item in the project area is labeled, as with the “Project Name” in the image below.

UpStream has the best demo site option of the plugins on this list. Visit upstreamplugin.com/demo and you can create a private demo site with all the free and premium features.

The admin side of UpStream focuses on four key elements for WordPress project management:

  • Milestones
  • Tasks
  • Bugs
  • Files

Each of these elements can be disabled via the UpStream Settings, so you could have a project that only focuses on Tasks or Bugs.

The frontend of UpStream takes over the whole site. It doesn’t integrate with the theme on your site – which may be a dealbreaker for some users – but by going full screen, it gives your projects a lot of space on the screen.

Of all the project tools on this list, UpStream is the most focused on working with Clients. It has full client details and a login system. Overall, for people interested in serious work on their projects, UpStream is our recommendation.




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