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ダウンロード GPL Ultimate Member User Tags 2.1.6

Add a user tag system to your site and allow users to associate tags with their profile and enable users to find other users easily with the same tag.


  • Admin can create user tags which users can select when registering or on their profile
  • Tags can be separated into groups using parent/child tags
  • Tags can be given an optional description which shows on front-end when the tag is hovered over.
  • Tags can be displayed on profile form in main profile area or in profile header area
  • Allows users to see all users on the member directory when they click on the tag e.g clicking on a tag called “HTML” will redirect the user to the directory page and display all users who have selected the HTML tag
  • Widget that shows most popular tags (includes count next to each tag to show how many users have that tag)




+133 3643 8551(V同期)