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ダウンロード GPL Toolset Types 3.5.1 + 20 Interactive Bundle - カスタムタイプの追加

Toolset Package:

  • Toolset – Access 2.8.12
  • Toolset – Advanced Export 1.0
  • Toolset – Avada Integration 1.5.3
  • Toolset – Blocks 1.6.2
  • Toolset – Classifieds 0.4
  • Toolset – Cornerstone Integration 1.2
  • Toolset – CRED Commerce 1.8.4
  • Toolset – CRED Layouts 2.6.10
  • Toolset – Customizr Integration 1.3
  • Toolset – Divi Integration 1.7.2
  • Toolset – Forms 2.6.12
  • Toolset – Framework Installer 3.1.17
  • Toolset – Genesis Integration 1.9.2
  • Toolset – Layouts Migration 1.0
  • Toolset – Maps 2.0.11
  • Toolset – Module Manager 1.8.6
  • Toolset – Starter Theme 1.4.2
  • Toolset – Twenty Fifteen Integration 1.4
  • Toolset – Twenty Seventeen Integration 1.2.1
  • Toolset – Twenty Sixteen Integration 1.4.1
  • Toolset – Types 3.4.15
  • Toolset – Views 3.6.2
  • Toolset – WooCommerce Views 3.1.2

Toolset WordPress plugin allows you to create custom fields, post types, and taxonomies out of the box with simple clicks. In the recent release, Toolset also introduced many-to-many relationships that is also one of it’s kind and is rare to find in other competitors of WordPress Toolset plugins. Latest Toolset release also focused on repeater fields and introduced it. Types open a new world of possibilities that the default WordPress pages and posts cannot provide.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)