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ダウンロード GPL Thrive Optimize 10.0.2 - WordPress用A/Bテストプラグイン

Thrive Optimize Features

  • Set-and-forget A/B testing and conversion rate optimization – Thrive Optimize monitors the tests and automatically declares a winner and disables the poorest performing page variation once enough data has been collected.
  • Compare multiple page variations at once – create as many page variations as you want, to test multiple variations against each other.
  • Optimize three types of goals – optimize the conversion rates relating to page visits, product purchases, and opt-ins.
  • Easy to read results and graphs – quickly see at a glance which page variants are performing the best.
  • Custom traffic distribution – let the plugin automatically distribute traffic evenly between your page variations or create a custom distribution to avoid sending lots of your visitors to an experimental page design.
  • Drag-and-drop visual editor – easily create page variations with the Thrive Architect integration.
  • Works with all WordPress themes – improve goal conversions regardless of your theme.
  • No code to work with – no code snippets to add to your pages or code editing to customize your page variations.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)