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ダウンロードGPL ThemeIsle FEEDZY RSSフィードプレミアム2.4.7 + 4.3.4 - WordPressのRSSフィードプラグイン

Feedzy is an RSS aggregator that helps you to curate content, autoblog, display and import RSS feeds within a few minutes.

The basic functionality of the plugin is to display information from a site to another one. The key point in this process is called the feed. The feed is represented by a URL on the source website, where information is available/exposed. The information available in the feed can be customized by the source website owner, so not everything you see on the site is also available in the feed.

This feed (URL) has to be set in Feedzy, so the plugin can render the available information on the destination site. Feedzy can’t produce content, so it’s just displaying/importing the information available in the feed.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)