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LearnDash 1.3.6用GPL Boss/Social Learnerをダウンロード - LearnDashとBuddyPressで構築されています。

Following the success of Social Learner, BuddyBoss launched its LearnDash theme BuddyBoss for LearnDash. This clean and neat theme is built to be completely customizable, with complete freedom to add your own branding, change the header, footer, choose the theme’s layouts, add custom icons, and even create your own pages using page builders (like Elementor).

It offers complete support to easily create courses using LearnDash 3.0 Gutenberg interface. It also supports all of LearnDash’s features, gamification, WooCommerce, and Membership plugins. Like all BuddyBoss themes, this theme also puts social learning and groups at the forefront.

Highlighted Features:

  • Custom header, footer, layouts
  • WooCommerce, Memberpress, Events Calendar, InfusionSoft, GamiPress support
  • Integration with AppBoss’ LearnDash mobile app
  • Built-in Groups, profiles, forums, private messages
  • Gutenberg, Elementor compatibility




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