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ダウンロード GPL SmartCrawl Pro 3.10.9 - WPMU Dev 検索エンジン最適化

This is an SEO plugin that will allow you with one click setup in automatic sitemaps and improved social sharing. It will scan report the real-time data to you, and you don’t have to go with the advanced settings.

As the plugin developers say, this plugin will perfectly optimize the content which will be the Google-friendly article.

Features of the SmartCrawl SEO plugin

Here are the important features of this plugin you can find useful. I have found that this will be the better plugin in terms of features.

  • It will analyze your site and active settings to Boost Your reach in organic search with one click.
  • The plugin will customize the title and description to optimize your content which will be another feature of this plugin.
  • Smart crawl SEO plugin will open the graph integration, and it will connect your all social accounts to give social credibility when someone shares your content.
  • It has smart page analyzer where it scans all the pages and posts for readability and keyword density. Now with the help of this, you can add more information, and you can optimize your content even more better. We all know that using the keyword in a particular manner will boost up the rankings of your page or post.
  • Re-crawling your site. When you add a new article for a new page to your website, then this plugin will indicate Google to re-crawl your page. Now this will help in the rankings even faster. You don’t have to submit the sitemaps manually to get indexed by Google. This is the feature where most of the people like this plugin.




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