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ダウンロード GPL Popup Maker per AJAX Login Modals 1.2.2

Our AJAX Login Modals Technology taps into the WordPress User functionality and enables you to create Login, Register & Forgot Your Password Popups without any coding or setup. Simply edit, theme, and call your popup and it’s done! No databases, no forms, no programming. Now supporting custom registration forms with WP Members & Profile Builder plugins.


  • Extends WP Core – When enabled, the standard Login & Registration links will automatically open your Login or Registration modal when clicked.
  • Force User Login – Protect your sites content until users login or register. Combined with Popup Makers targeting conditions, you can lock down one page, the entire site or anywhere in between.
  • Force Login Actions – If you want to prevent users from adding items to cart, clicking a link or anything else, you can use a login modal to interrupt those actions until they have logged in.
  • Login / Registration / Password Recovery Modals – You can create one popup that contains all 3 with a great interface for switching between them, or place each in its own separate modal.
  • AJAX Submission – Keeps your users on the same page, all of our forms submit using AJAX behind the scenes. If there are errors the users gets an efficient notice to correct the issues and try again.
  • Templates – All of our forms and content are generated via customizable templates.
  • Responsive Forms – All of our built in forms work and look great out of the box on large and small screens alike.
  • Translatable – Available in English & Russian already, but fully translatable using included .pot file.
  • Customizable CSS – A complete set of unique classes allow easily styling of your forms, message & errors to match your theme or design criteria.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)