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ダウンロード GPL WordPress Advanced Database Cleaner Pro 3.2.3

Advanced Database Cleaner Pro plugin clear the overload, optimize the database & in-turn make your WordPress blog perform faster.

However, none of them clean the unused tables, tasks & options left by plugins that you are no longer using.

  • Do you know that even when you delete a plugin, it doesn’t clean everything that it added onto the database?

I have already told you about deep-cleaning your WordPress database in an earlier post.

Recently, I was working on optimizing my main blog’s (ShoutMeLoud) WordPress database & had to deep clean the orphan tables & options. Using existing plugins (such as Clean options) were not enough and I was looking for a free alternative.

This is where I bumped into the Advanced WordPress Database Cleaner plugin which is available for free in the WordPress repo. However, the free version is limited to features that are offered by other database optimization plugins such as WP-Sweep.




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