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ダウンロードGPL MyThemeShop URL Shortener Pro 1.0.12 - プレミアムWordPressのURL短縮プラグイン

URL Shortener Pro is one of the most top-rated WordPress URL shortener plugins which can be installed in just a single click & is very easy to use. It is highly responsive to all screen sizes & provides ultimate security by cloaking your links and is compatible with all themes available.

Also, it provides you with exemplary features like replacing the keyword and URLs. You can add or delete as many links as you wish to & many more.

This plugin is fully customizable when it comes to styling like hover color, underline, font weight and a lot more. Furthermore, you can also override a 404 error & add a redirect link.

Moreover, it provides some easy to use shortcodes which can be placed at any part of the page & enables you to import and export links. It also allows you to hide the link URL from desktop users which is visible on hover by simply cloaking the actual link.




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