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ダウンロードGPL MetaSlider Pro 3.29.1 + 2.21 - WordPressスライダープラグイン

Meta Slider claims to be the most popular WordPress slider plugin available, and its +700,000 active installs would seem to back that up.

This plugin is relatively straightforward to use, comes with very thorough documentation, and its free version is more than sufficient to create great sliders.

Main features

  • Responsive and lightweight slides.
  • Four types of sliders with unique transition effects for each.
  • Enables you to drag-and-drop slides to reorder them.
  • Includes a preview feature.
  • Ability to display sliders using widgets.
  • Crops and resizes your images automatically.

Ease of use

This plugin includes fewer options than expected for such a popular tool. Despite this, creating a new slide is not an uphill battle. All of the settings are located in a tidy menu at the right of your screen, and the plugin provides easy access to all your images for editing purposes.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)