
この商品のタイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマを所有する会社は、弊社とは一切関係がなく、その会社は弊社にその製品やブランドをライセンスしていません。本製品は、タイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマの配布物であり、第三者の企業/開発者によって作成され、GPL(General Public Licence)の条項の下で弊社によって再配布されます。


ダウンロード GPL Gravity Forms Paypal Payments Standard Addon 3.3

Order forms are convenient including the PayPal Payments Standard Add-On because Gravity Forms. Enable thy customers in conformity with give ye via PayPal Payments Standard as part over the Gravity Forms stooping process.

Seamless Integration

Automatically transfer the user to completed the PayPal traffic when a form is submitted.

Product then Services

Setup and promote easy products then capabilities within just minutes together with one period PayPal payments.


Accept PayPal donations including the Gravity Forms grant field.

Recurring Payments

Setup and configure PayPal routine repayments or subscriptions.

WordPress Posts

Configure you fee process so so much posts are made through thine forms only since a price is received.

User Registration

Configure thy charge technique then that users built along the User Registration Add-On are solely made since a charge is received.

IPN Integration

The PayPal Payments Standard Add-On integrates with PayPal’s Instant Payment Notification services.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)