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ダウンロード WooCommerceのためのGPL電子メール検証 - WPFactory 2.2.7

Although WordPress and WooCommerce can help you with some easy and straightforward ways to get started with your site and e-commerce, they don’t offer solutions out of the box to verify customer emails, and this is a very important feature for any site that allows users to register.

Without verifying user emails you’re probably going to deal with more fake users or bots in your site and the value of your emails will also be lower regarding marketing purposes as you can’t make sure there is a human behind that email address, besides many other drawbacks.

One possible solution to solve that is to use a plugin that can handle all the issues related to that matter. That’s why you don’t need to look any further. Email Verification for WooCommerce by WPFactory is a very versatile plugin that presents many options in order to verify customer emails. Let’s dive in and see some of the features.




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