
この商品のタイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマを所有する会社は、弊社とは一切関係がなく、その会社は弊社にその製品やブランドをライセンスしていません。本製品は、タイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマの配布物であり、第三者の企業/開発者によって作成され、GPL(General Public Licence)の条項の下で弊社によって再配布されます。


ダウンロードGPL Easy Updates Manager Premium 9.0.18 - WordPressプラグイン

  • Safe mode: ensures updates are compatible with your WordPress version and your server’s PHP version
  • Schedule for automatic updates: runs the updates when you want them to avoid any downtime
  • External logging – Get alerts when new updates have been logged
  • Anonymization – Control what is sent to the WordPress API
  • Delayed updates – Delay automatic updates in the case of hotfixes and frequent releases
  • Auto backups: integrates with UpdraftPlus and take a backup before your site is updated
  • UpdraftCentral: fully integrates with UpdraftCentral
  • Log clearing schedule: keeps your logs table under control and deletes entries according to your own schedule
  • Import/Export settings: exports your settings from one site to another for quick configuration
  • Email notification of updates: gives you weekly or monthly reports of pending updates
  • White label: disables notices and customizes what the client sees
  • Check plugins: runs a check of plugins that have been removed from the WordPress Plugin Directory
  • Webhook: integrates with third-party services to run automatic updates via cron or even Zapier
  • Export logs: exports logs for printing, or downloads a CSV or JSON file for a date range




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