
この商品のタイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマを所有する会社は、弊社とは一切関係がなく、その会社は弊社にその製品やブランドをライセンスしていません。本製品は、タイトルに記載されているプラグイン/テーマの配布物であり、第三者の企業/開発者によって作成され、GPL(General Public Licence)の条項の下で弊社によって再配布されます。


ダウンロード GPL Digits - WordPress Number Signup and Login

Digits let your user signup on your website simply with their mobile number. No more checking emails. Just SMS In this fast world, no one has time to SignUp on your website using traditional email, because this is not the single step involved, user has to log into the email account – open email – click on the verification link to verify the email and then he/she gets access to the account on your website. And then comes the passwords, even if he manages to do that all the most important thing to remember to gain access to account is password. Now if he/she forgets it again the user has to go through all the pain he went while signing up. Just because of all these things now-a-days websites are loosing their customers as no one has time for all these things.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)