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ダウンロード GPL WP Defender Pro Security 4.8.2 - WPMU Dev

Defender is layered WordPress security made easy, like stupid, simple. The free and pro version both start with a list of the most effective hardening technics for instantly upgrading your WordPress security.

You can run free scans that check WordPress for suspicious code. The Defender scan tool compares your WordPress install with the directory, reports changes and lets you restore the original file with a click. They also offer a pro version which includes cloud backups with 10 GB remote storage, audit logs for monitoring changes, automated security scans, and blacklist monitoring. Their experts will even help you clean up a hacked site.

Features That Make Defender a Great Choice:

  • Google 2-Step Verification.
  • WordPress core file scanning and repair.
  • Login Screen Masking.
  • IP Blacklist manager and logging.
  • Unlimited file scans.
  • Timed Lockout brute force attack shield for login protection.
  • 404 limiter for blocking vulnerability scans.
  • IP lockout notifications and reports.




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