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ダウンロード GPL Category Slider Pro for WooCommerce 1.4.2 by ShapedPlugin

WooCommerce Category Slider Pro helps you display by filtering specific WooCommerce Categories (Parent, Child, Grand Child, and Great-grand Child) aesthetically in different layouts like Slider, Grid, and Block. You can show your product categories with thumbnail, child category, description, custom text, 900+ flat icons. The plugin has a simple and easy-to-use shortcode generator interface with 200+ handy options which will help you to customize and manage WooCommerce Categories and their content easily without coding.

A WooCommerce Category Slider is one of the best ways to highlight your specific product categories and, if put in the strategic or right position, it will certainly allow you to increase the conversion rate in your shop or site.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)