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Download GPL BuildWooFunnels UpStroke 2.5.4 (+ All 5 Addons): WooCommerce One Click Upsell

Download BuildWooFunnels UpStroke for almost free

Create WooCommerce One Click Upsells & boost average order value by at least 15-20%. The provided Package includes following Plugins:

  • Upstroke Dynamic Shipping v1.6.0
  • Upstroke Multi Product Offers v1.2.0
  • Upstroke One Click Upsell 2.5.4
  • UpStroke PowerPack 1.7.2
  • UpStroke Reports v1.5.0
  • Upstroke Subscriptions v1.9.0
  • Upstroke Mollie 1.7.4


BuildWooFunnels UpStroke

When you search how to increase AOV, a bunch of tactics show up. ‘Add cross-sells on product page’, ‘show a pop-up on cart’, & many more. But what no one tells is pre-purchase tactics obstruct checkout flow & slash conversion rate.Not post-purchase one-click upsells. It’s your secret edge over competition that is still relying on random tactics.

BuildWooFunnels Upsells – Step by Step

Step 1
Checkout Page
Your customer places the order so you secure the initial sale.

Step 2
One-Click Upsells
He’s shown appropriate upsells & downsells to accept with one click.

Step 3
Order Confirmation
Voila! You close the sale at a much higher order value & ROI.




+133 3643 8551(V同期)